20th April 2021
Settlement Boundary Consultation Update - 20th April 2021
As part of the Local Plan review process, West Berkshire Council (WBC) is required to consult on the proposed settlement boundary changes contained within the draft plan.
Generally, building is more restricted outside settlement boundaries as it considered as being ‘the countryside,’ with most significant building areas being undertaken within settlement boundaries. Of the villages and hamlets that make up Bucklebury parish, only Upper Bucklebury has a settlement boundary.
Bucklebury Parish Council (BPC) was recently consulted about proposed settlement changes to Upper Bucklebury, where the Meadows will be taken outside of the Upper Bucklebury Settlement Boundary.
WBC has also recently consulted on the revised boundary proposed around the Thatcham North East site. Unfortunately, WBC did not inform BPC about the huge boundary changes just over the parish boundary, nor considered it necessary to ask for individual opinions.
Having found out about the consultation through other sources, BPC has responded to the proposed settlement boundary changes around Thatcham North East, and that response is available here.
Tim Slatford
BPC Working Group