2022 Archive
9th March 2022
Campaign Update - 9th March 2022
Latest update from the Working Group:
Many of you will be aware the issue of the next stage in the Local Plan consultation process has been delayed until the summer.
Following the public meeting she held last August Laura Farris MP has written to West Berkshire Council giving her views and expressing her concerns over the proposed development of 2500 houses in NE Thatcham. Last month she met with the Leader of WBC and our Ward Member, Graham Pask, to discuss the matter. We await WBC’s reply to our MP but we know there have been changes amongst the senior WBC officers having responsibility for planning. We are led to believe that this will result in a fresh perspective and reappraisal of the draft Local Plan.
The development is so big that WBC must produce a 30-year plan for Thatcham. When Thatcham Town Council met the planning officers at their meeting it was disclosed that this is ‘work in hand’ – we look forward to reading this vision.
There are also signs Central Government may adopt a more flexible stance to the future housing numbers required in West Berkshire and that the emphasis on brownfield development may assist us. These are all positive indicators in our fight against this proposed development but are no reason for us to lower our guard.
While Thatcham Town Council lead on the traffic implications around the thousands of new houses, we are engaged on the environmental impact and are using the delay in the Local Plan process productively.